Ways To Be Sustainable In The Workplace

Dining Table Styling

Since I’ve been working out of Industrious for the past few months, I’ve really noticed their sustainability efforts and thought this could be a good topic of discussion here. I’ve curated some tips below that inspire a “greener” work environment and would love to hear if you have any additional ideas! We all play a […]

How I’ve Achieved A Better Work/Life Balance

A little background on my work setup over the past few years: If you have been a reader for a while now, you may remember when I shared a studio space in Boston with a few local business owners and artists in 2014. This was before Evie was born; when my business was just starting […]

BEFORE + AFTER – A Bright & Happy Living Room

I couldn’t be more excited to finally share the before and after photos of an interior design project we completed last year in Sudbury, MA. As you may remember, we also designed their master bedroom a few years back and I’m thrilled that we’ve had the opportunity to continue to work together on their beautiful […]

3 Easy Ways We Updated Our Master Bath

I’m so excited to share another update of our #ohidesignhome! We recently swapped out a few things in our Master bath which was already updated when we moved in, but I wanted to add my touch to it. Here are the items we switched out: 1. Lighting: One thing I don’t love about our new […]

My Top 5 Favorite White Sheets!

I’m excited to share some of my favorite sheets with you! I have white sheets in every room of our house because one – it makes laundry day easier and two – I love the look of clean, crisp white sheets. Plus it’s nice to know that all the sheets are the same and I […]

How To Creat A Hygge-Inspired Bedroom

Hygge: (pronounced hue-guh)  is a Danish word frequently used when speaking of coziness or togetherness. Moments of stillness and being present; feeling. Although you may not need to buy anything to be hygge, there are ways you can create a calm environment that will bring that sense of cozy and relaxation we all so desperately need. […]

Our Dining Room Progress!

To catch you up in case you’re new here, we moved into a new home in Boston at the beginning of May this year. Here is a post about the home and some before photos so you can get a sense of the space. As I mentioned in my last post, we have been focusing on updating […]

Our Guest Room Updates

As we prepare for baby #2 (he/she is supposed to arrive any day now!), I’ve been running around the house like a crazy person trying to organize and clean each room. This is also known as “nesting”, an instinctual and overwhelming feeling of getting the house ready for a baby; in case you haven’t heard […]

My New Favorite Place To Work

Although I’ve enjoyed working from home much more in our new home, there are many days I find myself needing to get out of the house to be more productive. There are some pros to working from home…like no commute, being able to work in your PJs and no makeup, and no one there to […]

5 Ways I’m Slowing Down This Fall

A little life update: Work is beginning to wind down as I start my “maternity leave” on October 1st. I cannot believe I will be a mom of 2 in less than 1.5 months (or sooner)!  I will have two commercial projects that will linger past October 1st, but I am excited to see both […]

Our Dining Area Design Plan #OHIDESIGNHOME

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but we plan to design our living/dining/kitchen space fully in our new home before any other space. This is the first room you see when you walk into our home and the light is so great – it makes me SO happy to spend time here. Did you read our […]

Our Living Room Progress #OIDNEWHOME

We have been living in our new home for about a month and a half and have made some progress in the entry, living room, and kitchen! I keep saying that if this room feels put together, then I am okay with the rest of the home feeling uncomplete for awhile. You may remember the […]