JKS Loves: Podcasts

Lately, my podcast playlist has had a greater than usual presence in my life, filling gaps of free time with opportunities to refill my cup via spoken words entertaining, inspiring, and motivating me. You can find me any given day, listening while I’m cleaning, folding laundry, getting ready for the day ahead, and commuting. I’m excited […]
Mr. Waffles’ Puppy Must-Haves

The Klein household is in the midst of full blown puppy love with the recent arrival of Mr. Waffles! Yes it’s true, I’m not sleeping as well and we’ve had our fair share of puppy accidents, but overall we’re smitten with our little fluff ball! Even our ol’ girl Bella is coming around the corner […]
AllModern Opened Its First Physical Store!

This blog post was written in partnership with AllModern. All thoughts and opinions, as always, are my own. I’m all about online shopping; it’s no exaggeration to say that it’s been my go-to method for acquiring new items over the past few years. But there are some items, especially pieces for your home, that just […]
An OID Vermont Holiday

We are heading up to Vermont for the holidays and I’m planning to add a few holiday decor touches so that next week feels special for the kiddos. We are keeping it minimal, and with the snow, it already feels like a true winter wonderland. One thing I’m very excited about for the holidays is […]
An OID Update – What’s Been Happening as of Late!

Hello, Friends! It’s been A WHILE. How are you? We have been on a blog and somewhat of a social media break as of late. Our social media/blog coordinator and editor went on maternity leave and without her, I couldn’t get blog posts up with the amount of interior design projects on our plate. I […]
5 Things I’m Looking Forward to this Fall

This post was written in partnership with Modern Pest. We are nearing the end of Summer (sigh) and it feels like it was cut short due to the amount of rain we’ve had in the Northeast. But that said, I am looking forward to a few things that the next few months will bring. 01. […]
Introducing Our Vermont Home Renovation Project!

I’m SO excited to share this post with you all! It’s been a dream project for awhile but due to COVID – and overall life happenings – it’s taken a little bit to get the ball rolling. We finally decided to dive back in… and I’m so excited to tell you all about it! We’re […]
The Books I Read in 2020

One of my goals at the beginning of 2020 was to read more books, I was determined to do so! I’ve always enjoyed reading but it’s often been pushed to the side in lieu of work, kiddos, tv, sleep… I know I’m not alone in this struggle! I was excited to dive back into the […]
Organizing with OID: Kids’ Arts and Crafts

Anyone else drowning with the intake of all the new holiday gifts for the kids? I know I can’t be alone in this situation! It’s a never-ending struggle with kiddos but the holidays add an extra intense wave with all the new toys. I’m constantly rearranging and re-working ideas and options for storing all of […]
Looking Back at 2020…and Looking Forward at 2021

There’s no use sugar-coating it; 2020 was a doozy. While many of us experienced our fair share of hardships this past year, I overall feel very grateful for getting through it as best we could. I’m trying to focus on the positives that the difficult year gave us, including Cody being with us more than […]
OID 2020 Gift Guides

It’s that time of the year again. While there is no doubt that this year is unlike any other, that doesn’t mean we’re not celebrating. If anything, we need more joy than ever, and for me, that includes gift giving. While I always try to be a smart shopper when the holidays come around (and […]
My Favorite Holiday Decor This Year

While I’m not one of those “Christmas immediately after Halloween” people, I’m definitely jumping on the bandwagon a lot earlier this year when it comes to getting into the holiday spirit. We need all the joy we can get this year! Whether you like it or not, Cody. 😉 So let’s deck the halls and […]