The Chrome Extension Saving Me Money!

February 21, 2020

This post was written in partnership with Popcart, all thoughts and opinions are, as always, my own. Thank you for supporting brands that support Oh, I Design Studio and keep our doors open!

With two kids and a dog, I find myself shopping online more than ever. Anyone else? Walking around a store with Evie is less than ideal at this age…she distracts me and if you know me, you know I don’t love grocery shopping. It gives me a lot of anxiety to find exactly what I’m looking for and to always feel like I’m “in the way”. So, we buy everything from groceries to clothes, dog food, furniture, and household supplies online. Not only does it save me time (this is crucial), but it also saves me the stress of forgetting something on my list. Don’t get me wrong, I love supporting local shops and do support them often, just in this season of my life, I’m not able to get to them as often as I’d like.

With that, I’d like to introduce you to my new friend, Popcart, the browser extension I started using to help us save money by comparing prices at the unit price. We are often shopping through Amazon and Target, and I love that Popcart lets me know if a store such as Walmart, has a better deal. Who has time to look at different sites to compare prices anymore? Not this mama!

Let’s dive into how it works:

  1. Download the Popcart Extension for Chrome (must be on your computer!) 
  2. Shop online as you normally would from Amazon, Sephora, Target & Walmart.
  3. Popcart will automatically compare the pricing of the item you are browsing & will pop-up if there’s a better price at a different retailer.

Here’s an example of how Popcart works using our dining chairs as an example:

I’m going to tell all my mama friends about Popcart because there’s nothing better than saving money on expensive baby items such as diapers and formula. Speaking of, Popcart just launched a where you and your friend will receive $5 Amazon credit when they download the extension. That could add up FAST! Click here to download the extension and we will both receive a $5 amazon credit!

My Favorite Features on Popcart:

  1. Automatic price comparison: Opening up multiple browser tabs to compare prices? Popcart instantly compares prices and shows you the best price.
  2. Save by comparing unit prices: Popcart shows you total price and unit price on items like diapers and wipes, for example, so you can make easy, money-saving buying decisions. No matter the size.
  3. Say goodbye to third party resellers: You can shop with confidence knowing Popcart eliminates third party resellers with low reviews.

I really love this extension and it’s almost embarrassing how excited I get when the pop-up shows up when I’m shopping online! I hope you find it helpful as well!