10 Home Tips + Tricks That Take Minutes But Reap Major Rewards

With a new home to dive into, our list of house (exterior and interior) projects and to-do’s feel never-ending. From new light fixtures and furniture, planning kitchen and bathroom renovations, organizing, and more, it’s safe to say that we’ll be working on making our house truly our own for a few years ahead. And that’s […]
Organizing with OID: Bathrooms

I organized our pantry – CHECK (though in total honesty, it’s in need of a little pick-me-up ASAP!)! I organized all the kiddos’ arts and crafts supplies – CHECK! Now onto our bathroom! I knew this organizing project would be a doozy so I called in support via Candace of House of Paige once again. […]
Organizing Essentials for Kids’ Arts & Crafts

I loved the response I got from my previous post all about organizing kid’s arts and crafts! It seems I’m not the only one on the “kids’ stuff drives me nuts” bandwagon! Ready to put my tips and tricks into action? Here are all the products and organizing items that are saving my sanity these […]
Organizing with OID: Kids’ Arts and Crafts

Anyone else drowning with the intake of all the new holiday gifts for the kids? I know I can’t be alone in this situation! It’s a never-ending struggle with kiddos but the holidays add an extra intense wave with all the new toys. I’m constantly rearranging and re-working ideas and options for storing all of […]
My Daily Must-Haves

I love learning about other people’s daily routines, from what type of coffee they drink every morning to the book they read or show they watch in the evening. I find this sort of information not only fun, but also so inspiring and insightful, always picking up little ideas here and there for me to […]
Get Organized with OID: Your Pantry

I’m a proud organizing aficionado (always have been!) and I can often be found pursuing various sites for more tips and tricks to try out in my own home, but I also know when it’s time to call in for support. I’m not ashamed to admit that I need to outsource help at times, because […]
5 Ways I Keep My House Clean & Tidy

This post is sponsored by JAWS “Just Add Water System” and they were a wonderful ally as I rescheduled this content. All thoughts and opinions within this post are mine. This post was originally planned for last week but as the Black Lives Matter movement continued to awaken us all, I decided to silence my pre-scheduled content and […]
Have You Checked Out OID’s Pinterest Page?

Are you a die-hard daily Pinterest fan or are you a fair weather friend, only visiting when you need something specific (aka your preschooler’s birthday party)? Whether you use it for personal or professional purposes, once a month or once an hour, it’s undeniable that it’s a source of unbelievable creativity, organization, and more. I […]
Our Work From Home Routines

We’ve been safe at home now for a couple of weeks, and slowly but surely, getting into our own new little routines, especially as we learn how to work from home as a family. I’m working from the dining table in our living room/kitchen area and I actually love my set-up! I brought my desktop […]
Before & After: Our Linen Closet

Oh, I Design is honored to collaborate with California Closets and Garnet Hill for this post. Oh, I Design only partners with brands that we truly love and recommend, and we value the relationships we build. I love our home; it’s the perfect size for our family. But of course there are little things here […]
How To Reset Your Home (and Life) For The New Year

Let’s get organized! I know, I know, it’s the mantra we’re hearing everywhere from everyone, but there is a reason! January is chock full of promise and positive energy so lets use it to our advantage. I’m all about January being a month to reset for the year ahead, so I can feel organized and […]
My Favorite Business Podcasts

I’m excited to start off 2020 refreshed and ready to tackle everything the new year has in store, and when it comes to my business, that means it’s essential I stay inspired and educated. One of my favorite – and easiest – ways to do so is with podcasts. I listen to them as I […]