You know what makes me entirely too happy? A well-design shop that smells like a spa – and that’s exactly what Fresh is. You may know Fresh as their products are sold at brands like Sephora and Neiman Marcus. But what you may not know is that their very first apothecary store was opened in Boston in 1991. Ever since I moved to Boston I fell in love with this shop and is part of what got me excited about caring for my skin more and why you see so many skin care posts on Oh, I Design. I’m thrilled that they invited me in to try some of their newest products and I have a few favorites listed below. But first, can we take a moment to “ooh and ahh” at their store design?!
Don’t forget to sign up for their new Loyalty Program! It’s free & you basically get a ton of amazing perks like a welcome gift, a free birthday gift, access to private sales and free shipping at Also, the more you spend the more you receive!
Shop my Favorites Below!