Photos taken by my lovely new friend, Caroline.
We spent Saturday taking a rented boat out in the Boston Harbor. We began the day at The Barking Crab – which was so delicious (I would definitely recommend this spot when you are in Boston). Then we set out on the boat to Spectacle Island to hike up to the top (so it’s not a hike, more of a calm walk up a dirt path). It was so wonderful to see Boston from that angle… in the beautiful water, the smell of the ocean, sun on my back and the city in the distance. It’s funny what a little perspective can do. Cody said, I am really beginning to love this city.
So on to a good story. If you follow me on instagram, you probably saw my lovely post about fracturing or bruising my tailbone…so I finally figured out it is just bruised. After not being able to get out of bed on Sunday due to pain, I wasn’t too sure how bad the injury really was.
Here’s the story: I was wearing flip flops in the boat (worst idea ever) and was stepping down from the where the driver was to the back of the boat. Well, right when my flip flops hit the slippery flooring, there was no coming back. My butt hit the floor so hard it was like a big flop (for lack of a better term). It hurt a little that night but not too bad so I thought I would be okay. That’s when I woke up in the morning and literally could not get out of bed. Thankfully, Cody brought me a donut to sit on while I work, an ice pack and a lot of Ibuprofen. I am feeling much better but I was a little nervous for a second thinking I wasn’t going to be able to move for days.
Alright, that’s my funny story for the weekend. How was yours?