It has finally hit the 70s (even 80!) here in Boston!! For a couple of weeks it was 55 every. single. day. 55 is hard to dress for because it’s still pretty chilly and then you smack yourself in the face and remind yourself…THIS ISN’T COLD…remember a couple of months ago?! But, it is definitely not the Spring weather I long for.

Anyway, once I saw 70+ on my weather app…I had a mini dance party. In celebration, I have been walking everywhere: home from my studio, through the Boston Commons just because, to and from meetings, for groceries, etc. You get the point. I do not drive in the city so not having to take the subway everywhere has been an absolute treat. Headphones in, the sun in my face and beautiful Boston scenes. This is the reason I love this city and it truly makes me feel alive – kind of like all of the gorgeous trees in bloom…I feel ya, trees. I also have a lot more energy and have been feeling really great in my 2nd trimester.

Since I have so much to smile about now that Spring in Boston is finally (FINALLY) here, I wanted to share some images from my pinterest board, “smile”….take a peek at what’s making me smile as of late. smile-ohidesignblog

1 // how cute is this little girl? Just thinking about the fact that we will be bringing a little girl into the world is mind-blowing.

2 // there’s nothing like breakfast in bed, especially if your bed looks that cozy.

3 // the thought of hitting the beach this summer. We are moving into our NEW home in July!!!* and we are steps from the beach (not comparable to a san diego beach by ANY means, but it’s a beach and there’s sun, water and some stuff that feels kind of like sand…so I will take it.

4 // flowers will forever put a smile on my face.

5 // messy hair + tea + making time to read.

6 // doggies. all of them. all the time.

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