As an entrepreneur, it can be tough to find a space to work or meet with a client where you can really focus. Even professionals need an hour or two outside of the office sometimes, but it’s hard to find a place to really getaway. Let’s be honest – a coffee shop isn’t ideal. Most of the time you can’t snag a seat and if you do get lucky, it’s either next to the loudest person on earth or lacks an outlet. Last week, my studiomates and I had the opportunity to get a change of scenery from our studio and work from a couple of the Breather locations in Back Bay (Boston).
What’s Breather, you ask? Well my friends, Breather is a start-up that offers beautifully-designed private spaces around the city that you can reserve by the hour through their app.
A few things I loved about working in a Breather:
– the spaces are well-designed. obviously a huge bonus in my books. 🙂 I like that they have a bit of an industrial-feel and couldn’t get enough of the gorgeous kilim rugs!
– the booking process is SUPER easy. download the app, select a date/time, give your payment information, then once you arrive at the door…open your app and it will provide you with a code to unlock the door.
– the gorgeous views from the Gloucester St. locations of Newbury St.
– how convenient the locations are – Back Bay is a great destination for me when I need to get some work done or meet with a client fairly close to home (when I am not at my studio).
– being able to spread out on the large tables and utilizing their white boards. I forgot how much I love a good white board…especially for brainstorming sessions!
My lovely studiomates are pictured above! On the left is Kathryn of Bash Studio + The Everyday Napkin and on the right is Nicole of Nicole Baas Photography.
Other unique ways you can use a Breather:
– yoga
– book club meetings
– baby shower
– a break after shopping on Newbury St.
– client meetings
– team brainstorming sessions
– the options are endless!
Breather is currently located in: Montreal, Ottawa, New York City, Boston and San Francisco. However, they are rapidly growing so be on the look out for additional cities! If you are in Boston, check out the current locations – and again, keep an eye out for additional spaces in the near future. 🙂
To sign up, visit Breather online or download the app, and you can use the code CCDSRJ to get a free hour at the location of your choice!
I would love to know how you would use a Breather?
photos of us utilizing the Breather spaces by: Michael Parks Randa of Collie Woods