Jessica Packard's BlogAs I mentioned in my last post, I just returned from a trip to my home state – good ol’ Oklahoma. (My apologies if the “Oklahoma!” song is now stuck in your head…if you’re lucky I will sing it to y’all). Yes, y’all.

Anyway, Oklahoma State is known for its incredible Homecoming and if I had more time I would go into a spiel about why; instead, do yourself a favor and click here to view some of the house decks. It’s unreal. So naturally we stopped in to do a little tailgating and cheer on our team at the game. I am a big football fan…just so you know. 😉

Overall, our trip was such a blast! I cannot tell you how excited I was to hug my friends and family, I mean, I shed a few tears to say the least. It’s hard to explain, but I was in desperate need of a good Oklahoma fix…the people, the football and the laughs. I guess this is something only Oklahomans can understand. 

Jessica Packard's Blog


Some of my friends in Oklahoma…aren’t they pretty? 🙂


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