Do you blog? Do you like brunch?
Alright perfect, me too. Blog Brunch is meeting tomorrow (on twitter: #blogbrunch) to chat about Staging and Styling and I cannot be more excited about this one!! If you are new to Blog Brunch and want to learn more click here.
Below are the questions we will be discussing – it is a best practice to have your answers ready that way you can focus on everyone else’s answers as well.
Q1: From planning to execution, what makes a styling or staging experience run smoothly?
Q2: Do you try to maintain a particular style (in photos, graphics or content) on your blog or social media presence? If so, how do you stay consistent?
Q3: For any shoot or event, how do you plan or identify the theme, style, location and lighting of your staging?
Q4: Sometimes you can’t do it all; what’s your approach when collaborating with a team and how do you set up project management?
Q5: What’s the best way to submit your work to be featured on other blogs websites?
RSVP to our facebook event and get newsletters updating you on the next brunch here.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Happy Brunching!