I think we can all agree when we think of Modern furniture – the Barcelona chair is one of the first pieces that comes to mind. This iconic chair was designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in 1929 for his German Pavilion to accommodate the King and Queen of Spain during the International Exposition. Are you bored with the history yet? I hope not. (I eat these facts up)
My professor in college always emphasized, “If you ever see two Barcelona chairs pushed together…you BETTER go separate them. They were intended to be next to one another with space in between”. Thank you Professor Drab.
Knoll is now the manufacturer of the Barcelona chair and holder of all trademark rights to the design (since 1953).
The shape of the Barcelona chair resembles the shape of the Roman – Curule chair. I think the simple but precise detail is what makes this chair one of my favorite pieces of all time.
Also, I would like two in white for Christmas. Thanks Santa.
Credits: Two top Barcelona chair photos || Photo below (if anyone finds the actual credit for the photo below please let me know, I searched for a while on this tumblr and couldn’t find it). *not a fan of tumblr for this.