I have been thinking about my New Year Resolutions and although I have a few in mind, I am not ready to share them.  If you are like me, you might just need to let the new year set in before you can really determine your goals (by this I mean write them down and stick to them). I will say, however, it’s great to hear so many people finding ways to improve in all aspects of their life in 2013. I am a big fan of people who want to be better and do better. But, since I will not be sharing goals of my own today…I thought I might share a few resolutions for the home.

5 Resolutions for Your Home via ohidesign

5 Resolutions for Your Home via ohidesign

5 Resolutions for Your Home via ohidesign

5 Resolutions for Your Home via ohidesign

5 Resolutions for Your Home via ohidesign

1. Let’s be a little more green, turn off the lights and pull back the window treatments. Let in all of the beautiful natural light. The outdoors are good for your soul. 

2. Find new ways to organize your collections – I am working on a design magazine holder currently. It’s possibly going to take up my entire wall.

3. Make your bed every morning – it’s a fact if you start your day by making your bed it will increase your happiness and productivity. I know that sounds silly but trust me…it works. You have control over your home and the way you keep it – it’s the little things that matter.

4. Take out every ugly fake plant in your home. NOW. Sorry, I think I just got a little angry thinking of this apartment model I recently visited that had approximately 20 fake plants that had dust all over them (ughhh, it was terrifying). Just do it – your home will feel less cluttered and and then you can find 1-3 real plants that you can take care of. Or even just simple fresh picked flowers every few days.

5. Less design rules. I am constantly asked, “is that what you are supposed to do”? Or “is it okay to hang the _____ here?” – Yes there are a lot of guidelines you can read into but ultimately, if we are talking about YOUR home… go ahead….play with scale, mix and match bedding, put all of your favorite pillows on your sofa. 

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