There are a few questions I hear quite often from clients…I thought wallpaper was out of style? Isn’t it impossible to apply? What if we hate it in a couple of years? Well I am here to answer all of those questions and I thought I would be extra nice and share a few of my current favorite wallpapers + sources. Let me start by saying, yes, wallpaper is a thing again. It has been for a few years now and is being used in more unique and interesting ways than ever before! With the endless options of texture, pattern, style, color … you are sure to find something to love on your walls or yet, even just one wall, or the ceiling, or under/over a chair rail. Endless options people! Heck, I’ve even framed wallpaper before. In addition, for those of you who have commitment issues (don’t worry no one is judging) 😉 – there’s a wide variety of removable options as well! As far as applying the wallpaper, I highly suggest hiring a reputable professional (even though there are not as many out there as there used to be). This will make your life so much easier!

Alright, enough of the chatting (feel free to leave a comment with any wallpaper-related questions). On to some inspiration photos and wallpaper favorites + sources.

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Shop Wallpaper:

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(click on interior photos for sources)

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