6 Skincare Must-Haves For Wedding Season

Wedding Season is upon us! Although we have only one wedding to attend this year, I have some friends that are going to 5! I wanted to share some of my favorite healthy skincare products for not only the bride but also the guests. I’ve tested all of these products thanks to my kind friends […]
Two Events Next Week & You’re Invited!

Hello Friends! I have a couple of fun events next week that may interest some of you lovely New England readers out there. The first event I will be giving a presentation to Design Professionals about all things Social Media and how to maximize your business with various these platforms. The event is hosted by […]
6 Steps To A Spa Night At Home

I am so excited to collaborate with Follain, my go-to natural skincare/beauty shop, each month to chat about wellness, healthy skin care & beauty tips, and much more. If you are a follower of the @ohidesignblog instagram or are a reader here, you’ve probably read about my love for natural skincare and how much I enjoy […]
A Guide To Park City, Utah
Goodness, Park City was a winter wonderland, especially the day we woke up to 8″ of fresh snow. There was so much to love about this city – the incredibly beautiful mountains, the active yet quaint Main St. & the insane views. This was definitely a trip to remember! When we were planning this trip, […]
A Look At 2016
I want to take a moment to reflect on 2016. It was definitely a year of learning for me – being a mom and a business owner. THINGS I LEARNED: – I will be honest and admit that I went through some personal battles. One was realizing I can’t run my business AND be a […]
Tips For Flying With A One Year Old
If you follow me on social media, you’ve probably noticed that we have been traveling a lot over the past month. We don’t live near our families and enjoy traveling, so we’ve had to learn how to travel with a little one. We first visited New Orleans for my best friend’s wedding and brought Evie […]
Evie Is One!
I still cannot believe our little Evie turned ONE just a little over a week ago! We were planning on having her party at a park on a beach near our home, but unfortunately it rained all day, so we had to move the party to Cody’s office. But everything turned out great thanks to Cody’s […]
How I Baby-Proofed Without Compromising Style
Well, here we are at almost one year (one more day!!) with a mobile little babe. Right now Evie mostly army crawls since we have wood floors and she works on crawling on on our rugs – walking is in her near future. But now that she is mobile and exploring our home more, we have decided that it’s time […]
5 Ways To Be More Productive (Working From Home)
Since I left my studio, I’ve had to readjust to working from home and now – working while raising a little one. I am not only learning to work more efficiently on client work but also on house work. It’s definitely been a trial-and-error phase to see what works and what doesn’t. But I am realizing […]
A Travel Guide: Camden, Maine
Cody and I constantly talk about how great it is to live in a place where you can be in another state within 30min. When we can’t think of something to do on a Saturday, we can always jump in the car for a day trip to one of the New England states. It feels like a mini-vacation […]
My Local Summer Gem
Warm weather in Boston means we all find a way to get outside everyday to savor the sunshine while it lasts. Especially when you live a few blocks from a quaint neighborhood beach which happens to be my favorite afternoon activity as of late. Since we moved into our home a year ago, we have spent many days at this […]
What I’ve Learned From Becoming A Mom (So Far)
I want to start this post by thanking my thoughtful husband, Cody, who gifted me a photoshoot session with Nicole Baas for my first Mother’s Day. Like I mentioned in a previous post, this stage of being a mama has been my favorite. Evie has developed her own personality and every new thing she does or noise she makes […]