life via ohidesignblog

Do you all ever just type a blog post/letter/email hoping it will alleviate an issue you have been dealing with…and then completely erase it all? Well, that my friends…is what my night has revolved around. It’s 11:00pm at night + I am still awake, and here lies the issue. Hi, my name is Jessica and I am having sleeping problems. I hope you all instinctively said “hi, jessica” back…because I just laughed really hard hoping you did.

I used to be a morning person. I AM a morning person…normally. Before about two weeks ago, I would hear my alarm and pretty much just pop out of bed ready to tackle the day and now when I hear my alarm I just want to throw the covers over my head and refuse the thought of getting UP. I am barely making it to work on time and I hate feeling rushed in the morning. Is it mental? Am I really THAT tired?….probably. If I take a step back and look at what my day consists of I guess a doctor would tell me I am working myself to death. However, there are little parts of my day that I consider “work”. Let’s see, I get to the design studio I work for during the day at about 8:30am, then I leave at a normal 8-hour shift and get home and begin multitasking random chores + my freelance projects. I work for the remainder of the evening and fit in dinner somewhere around there. Of course, this is not EVERY evening but the rest of the nights are normally booked up as well with other events. I know what most of you are thinking, why are you up writing this blog post? Go to bed! But there’s something about hitting the “publish” button that makes me feel like I am talking to a good friend that is going to give me some good advice.

I just wonder if this is a phase and I will get my mornings back… I miss them. Who is with me??

Any advice my sleep-loving/sleep-deprived friends?


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