30 Days of Boston / Day 8
Well, we have hit a week of being in Boston. As I am sure you can imagine, we are still trying to get settled and feel comfortable in our new city. But after today, I think it’s safe to say, I am really missing our San Diego friends. There’s somewhat of a lonely feeling living downtown in a big and fast-paced city – which is a funny feeling when you are in the midst of so many people. I was on the subway today and it really hit me that I am no longer close to any of my friends. As I was greeted by rain when I got to the street, it was like a sappy scene in a movie where I felt like just walking with no umbrella and embracing the feeling of the rain as if mother nature was upset too.

Luckily, I am a positive person and I know once we get settled and begin making friends, the feeling will go away. I just hope that comes sooner rather than later. 🙂 I am also lucky that  I have a great husband that will order me Chinese take out and pour me a glass of wine. The cure to any bad day.

At least I made one friend today…
30 Days of Boston

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