30 DAYS OF BOSTON DAY TWO / OHIDESIGNBLOGOkay so we figured out really fast that taxis are quite a bit more expensive than taking an Uber here in downtown Boston. Also, most taxi drivers can be assholes (pardon the language). But let’s be honest, in big cities they are, and it’s because taking a taxi used to be your only option so the service went out the window. All they want is my money and all I want is a “thank you so much and have a lovely evening”…is that too much to ask!? Anyway, a short 2 mile ride without traffic was like $22 (with my generous tip) in my first taxi. Then come to find out in an Uber it was like $6. What gives?!

Lesson learned…Uber it up.


Also, brrrrr. The cold wind means business.