HELLO 2016.

Hello New Year. You have arrived and we are 6 days in. Obviously I am a little late on posting my goals, but what a better day than TODAY to get them out.

I also wanted to begin by sharing where I’m at in my career, life, etc. and have included my links below each category.thestudio-blogpost

THE STUDIO: Remember last year when I moved into this awesome studio space in downtown Boston? Well, I have decided to bring my studio back home for awhile. Now that we have the space in our new home and I am taking care of Evie, it just makes sense. It was definitely a tough decision as I loved sharing the studio with Kathryn and Nicole…but I am not taking on as much work right now, so it was the best option for me and my family. I know there will come a day in the future where I will need a space again, but for now I am enjoying being at home. That being said, I will need more reasons to get out of the house so I will be scheduling more meetings + coffee dates to make sure I get out and don’t become a homebody.

+ GOALS: set-up an inspiring and organized workspace in our guest room.designprojects-blogpost

DESIGN PROJECTS + BUSINESS: I am slowly taking on clients again and it’s going really well. I am able to work on projects while Evie is sleeping + content and it’s been a refreshing break from only thinking about mom-related things. A couple of my clients were excited to begin their projects again and didn’t mind if I brought Evie along since I don’t have a sitter/care set up yet. That has been such a huge help! Plus, I tend to develop long-lasting relationships with most of my clients, so they have been wanting to meet her anyway. On that note, Boston is crazy expensive in the child care department. I have NO idea how people do it.

I’m not sure if I mentioned this on the blog (I don’t think I did) but I decided last year to go on my own and not move forward with my design partnership…With Love, Design. It was hard to juggle both brands and I saw great things happening for each of us individually and if we were in the same city, I know it would be easier to grow. So I am now officially… Oh, I Design Interiors + Blog!

+ GOALS: there are almost too many to share. I think my overall goal is to come to terms with the parts of my company I struggle with and outsource help. I try to do it ALL and I don’t think any company has succeeded that way. I am not an accountant, a business systems person, etc. I am a stylist, a designer, a creative-thinker.

OUR NEW HOME: I have a lot of updates here and am going to work on getting some progress photos taken so I can explain our process in detail. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed making this home feel like us, and since we have always rented, it’s so refreshing to be able to do whatever we want. We have some plans for 2016 (i.e. kitchen mini-reno, closet systems, possibly fixing our outdoor decks), but I am excited to show you what we’ve accomplished thus far.

+ GOALS: Create before and after posts with in-depth stories. Budget so we can make more upgrades in the next couple of years. Donate anything we do not find functional or aesthetically pleasing. We can easily become collectors of STUFF when we stay in one place for awhile. That’s one upside to moving as much as we have in the past 5 years…we got rid of so many items we didn’t love along the way. Cody and I both agree that we feel at ease when our home is put together and everything has a place and there is no clutter.

LIFE: motherhood is overwhelmingly wonderful. There are highs and lows for sure, but overall I am so happy to be a mom to Evie. A MOM. It’s an incredible feeling. My husband, Cody, is working on some amazing large-scale architecture projects like world headquarters and what not. NO BIG DEAL. I love this submittal from 2015 that tells all about their firm. Cody and I are excited to see Evie grow together, especially this year as she goes through many exciting changes and becomes a little person. Can’t help but say it…life is good.

+ GOALS: an overall focus on wellness. After eating with no regrets while I was pregnant, I am ready to have a healthier kitchen. I know we all kind of focus on this at the new year, but I think it’s a great refresh. Especially after the holiday indulgence. I think in wellness for me there is this need for travel and adventure. I want to travel with my family this year…Philly (to see my dear friend Mary) + San Diego + Palm Springs are seriously calling my name. I miss California like crazy.ohidesignblog-blogpost

BLOG: I am thrilled to kick-off 2016 because in just a few months…this blog will be 5 years old! CRAZY! The amount of opportunities and relationships this little piece of the internet has brought is incredible and something I never thought would come of it. There are many brainstorming sessions happening behind the scenes but overall, I will keep moving forward with project before + afters, styling ideas, etc. with more of a punch. Of course I would love to hear your opinions here: what you want to see more of, what you don’t care to read, etc. Be honest! 🙂

+ GOALS: Bring in more unique content and original photos. More partnerships with brands I believe in whole-heartedly. Share more of my story in the mix.

What are some of your goals?

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